Monatsarchive: November 2019

Fort van Breendonk

Ich hätte ein Held sein können. Ich wurde zum Henker. Ich schlage den Held tot, der ich sein hätte können. Ich schlag ihn tot, den Held. Ich schlage mich zum Henker. „Vom Kapo“ Ein Gedicht von Stefaan van den Bremt

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Kazerne Dossin Between 1942 and 1944, 25,484 Jews and 352 Roma and Sinti were deported from the 18th century Dossin barracks. Just over 5% returned from Auschwitz-Birkenau. Kazerne Dossin is an intense and unique place of commemoration. The museum deals with the … Weiterlesen

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Binnenhof, Den Haag

Some of the Englandspiel agents were held here. The wording is always so interesting. Torture and death through betrayal, bureaucracy and ineptitude can be turned into a gratefully received gift.

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The Observer

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Englandspiel Monument

Smiley’s people.

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Scheveningen Prison South/East

Members of the Dutch Resistance were imprisoned here. Some of those shot in reprisal for the Hanns Albin Rauter attack were prisoners from Scheveningen.

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Alexanderkazerne Bombardment Monument

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Waalsdorpervlakte Bourdon Bell

This site is a kilometer down a hiking and biking path through the dunes. The bell is encircled by a single strand of wire and protected by the unambiguous signage. Google Maps informs that the site opens at 10:00. I’d … Weiterlesen

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A cheerful „Bye“ and they were gone

On 7 September 1943, after a deportation order had been issued for Mischa, Etty, and her parents, Etty stepped onto the platform beside a waiting train bound for Poland. Jopie Vleeschhouwer described her departure in a letter to the friends … Weiterlesen

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Corrie ten Boom Museum

Several Google Maps reviews prepared me for the lecture experience. As interesting as the tour were conversations with the other tour participants. There was a couple from Dortmund, an Australian, a South African, and five Americans besides me. In talking … Weiterlesen

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Geuzen Monument

„Resistance against the enemy happens always at the right time.“ And he’s naked. I like this so much! Commemorates 18 slain resistance fighters. He is facing across the road to the former police headquarters where captured resistance fighters were taken.

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